The Match is a modern dating app designed to make meaningful connections in a world of swipe culture. Focused on quality over quantity, it pairs users based on shared values, interests, and long-term compatibility rather than just surface-level attraction.

Case Study

My Role:

Logo Design, Branding, Wireframing, Mockup, Creating Brand Assets

Tools Used:

  • Adobe Illustrator: Used for logo design and branding elements.

  • Adobe Photoshop: Used for editing images and creating promotional materials.

  • Adobe XD: Used for app wireframing, UI design, and prototyping.


The challenge of this project was creating a dating app that conveyed a light and fun energy but also had a sense of seriousness when it came to looking for connections based on values. Dating apps are made for instant attraction or superficial connections by default, but The Match prioritizes real relationships. The look had to strike a balance between being approachable and fun, but not take away from the mission of the app, for individuals to meet like-minded partners. 


Before diving into the design process, it was important to do thorough market research to discover the competitive market and the needs of the users. I checked out current dating apps to search for trends, both in terms of function and design. User feedback and reviews from other comparable apps were also important l in developing the app's features around what mattered most to users, such as simplicity, privacy, and ease of use. The research also helped uncover a niche in the market for a site that specialized in values-based matching, as opposed to superficial traits or short-term hookups.

Art Direction:

For art direction, I wanted to make it look fun and energetic, yet not compromise the seriousness of searching for a life partner. In order to do so, I applied variations of pink and orange in the form of subtle gradation and wanted to bring a sense of excitement. The vibrant colors also make The Match stand out more compared to other dating apps that have more neutral colors. I used a modern sans serif font called Muli that is legible and fits the overall playful design. The letters have subtle rounded edges and work well with other design elements. This helps make the application feel more approachable and friendly.


The foundation of this brand identity was the logo, which needed to express a sense of warmth, friendliness, and fun. To accomplish this, I used a bubbly serif font that gave the logo a playful yet clean appearance. The curved corners of the serif letters created a warm setting, making it inviting to a wide variety of users.

To engage the thought of lighting a connection, I placed a small flame within the "a" of the brand name "Match."

The application of the playful serif font and the flame icon created a stunning harmony between professionalism and playfulness, which was ideal for a site that aimed to bring people together.


The Match's branding elements, including buttons, icons, and promotional material, used consistent pinks and oranges. The vibrant color scheme was applied to add an element of fun, vitality, and warmth and to maintain a clean, modern look overall.

For the onboarding screens of the application, I used friendly, conversational language. By doing this, it helped to ensure that the users became interested and engaged when using the application for the first time.

App UI/UX Design:

The user interface of the app was created with simplicity and user-friendly experience in mind. I hoped the app would be intuitive, emphasizing clear calls to action and seamless transitions. Starting with account setup  all the way to searching matches and messaging, I sketched the total app in Adobe XD.

A smooth, swipe-based interface that helps users to search possible matches is the core user experience.

Accompanied by a brief list of the user's shared values and interests, the user profile display includes big, appealing profile pictures.


Throughout this project, I was able to create a fun, interactive, and user-friendly dating app that places a unique emphasis on values. The playful pink color palette, rounded design elements, and clean logo ensure that The Match is fun and inviting. The interface and experience of the app are designed to help users easily form meaningful connections, distinguishing it from an otherwise crowded dating app market.